Doubling Up

Just have to say – what a great day of riding I had on Wednesday. It was one of those days when everything clicks, the work-outs are solid, the weather was just right, and I was completely in the zone. Can’t ask for much more.

I kicked the day off with a micro-burst work-out. These intervals start out innocently enough but then the full force of their impact is quick to show up. Yep lactic acid, lung burning, and desperate panting starts to take over. Boy oh boy, do I love micro-burst work-outs. 10 seconds never feels so hard, so long, so powerful. After this ride it was time for some food and work and before I knew it was time to suit up again for ride number two. This time I was off to the trails with my mountain bike and some solid riding partners. I hooked up with Skip’s riding gang and we had a most excellent ride at Kanata Lakes. It really does make a difference when mountain biking to follow someone else’s wheel. It seems that the line just pops out that way and I’m more likely to try tricky stuff if I see others do it. All in all, a most excellent ride and a great way to spend the evening.

And in other news… I’ve got some new shoes. Yay! You know how girls love shoes. Well, these shoes are hot. New mountain bike shoes for the cyclo-cross season. Thanks to Vince at The Cyclery, I’ve now got some new Shimano WM81 mountain bike shoes. These shoes are hot. They fit perfectly. The carbon sole is super supportive. Can’t wait to bust these out for some cyclo-cross riding and training. Thanks Vince!

Today is looking to be a great day of riding as well. Assuming the rain goes away… Intervals this morning and then I’m hooking up with my pal Sheri for a smooth ride this afternoon. Definitely no complaints here. Friday I’ve got a little recovery ride on deck.

Of course, Sunday is the Heel ‘N’ Wheel-A-Thon for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada. This event is open to everyone and anyone so why not come out? You can walk, run, bike, or rollerblade along the route. And don’t forget, you still have time to get your name entered in my draw to win a prize! It is easy to enter – simply click this link and make an online donation to my fundraising campaign for the June 13th event and I’ll enter you name in the draw to win the prize of your choice.

Well, I best be off. Time to get there for my morning ride. Hope you’re having a good Thursday and that you’ve recovered from the soggy Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour on Sunday!

One thought on “Doubling Up

  1. Pingback: Heel ‘n’ Wheel-a-Thon – Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada « Old Ole Ship

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